Next Monday is going to be a busy day. It starts off with skipping breakfast, being given a bunch of drugs and then having a camera shoved down my throat, past my stomach and into my small intestines. Oh what fun! They actually don't fully knock me out for the procedure, they just give me drugs that make me forgot. Nice huh? I always wonder if I say stupid things? The doc has told me I just let them rip while I'm drug induced. I guess it takes a lot to embarrass me now. Then, for Monday's highlight, Gracie and I start puppy kindergarden! Every Monday night for the next 6 weeks. Two of her litter mates are in the class. It should be a fun time. It is nice that I'm actually starting to do things for fun.
Speaking of doing things just for fun again, I've become quite the Betty Crocker (or Paula Dean, my personal favorite). Pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, mock Thanksgiving and today Apple Pie. Hm, I think Scott is fully enjoying the return of my appetite!
Alright I need to go save the kitty from being repeatedly assaulted by the Little Devil.